
Core Values


Evolve and adapt

The people who work here are smart, dedicated, and committed with core values.

We believe our nation’s future depends on our ability to make effective use of the enormous talent and resources represented by the diversity of our people and our ideas.


Team on a mission

Teamwork means being able to set personal preferences aside while focusing on the greater good.

The creation of something out of nothing is one of the most important aspects of teamwork.

Once a team becomes empowered, they tend to grow in both confidence and skill. We have amazing individuals, but it is only through teamwork that we achieve greatness. We encourage teamwork environment where each member of the institution can contribute by offering valuable suggestions for the overall improvement.


Challenge and Collaborate

To innovate, our team is our toughest critics, our biggest challengers and our loudest supporters.

Students are endowed with limitless abilities and SKCT provides ample opportunity to the young technocrats to exhibit their talents in the field of science and technology through Incubation Centres which ultimately give birth to innovations.


Work Ethic Wins

We believe the teams willing to put in the extra effort, go the extra mile, and are accountable for their actions,

will be the ones who see their visions and dreams realized.


Be Pioneers

We innovate and push for boundless creativity through curiosity. Meeting sustainable development goals will

require action on a number of fronts,

including harnessing and maximizing the potential of technological innovation. The Special Interest Groups strive and leap to a new environment-friendly techno-economic paradigm.

Social Concerns

Act with Integrity

We adopt truthfulness, honesty, fairness and transparency in the conduct of our academic,

administrative and professional activities as a means for achieving holistic development of the students.


Autonomy and Attitude

We’re a team of self-starters who take serious pride in our work – and it shows.

No task is too big when you have a team that is willing to go the distance to move mountains and achieve nothing less than success. We provide the freedom of opportunity—to explore, to collaborate and to challenge oneself in their field of specialization.

Ethics and Integrity


We encourage students to be themselves and we embrace everyone for their unique contributions to the team.

We also set expectations that everyone should acknowledge, and take responsibilities for mistakes. And then, treat mistakes as opportunities for learning and growth.

Team Spirit

Community Development

We encourage students to be themselves and we embrace everyone for their unique contributions

to the team. We also set expectations that everyone should acknowledge, and take responsibilities for mistakes.

And then, treat mistakes as opportunities for learning and growth.An exclusive Centre for Social and Community services caters to the needs of the local community, especially the under-privileged and the socially disadvantaged sectors of the community by offering Training and Development in Employability Skills and Entrepreneurship Initiatives with the participation of the community and in collaboration with the Government and Corporate. This service will not only benefit the underprivileged people, but also give a good exposure to students to interact with the local community and to be aware of social issues.

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International Conference on Sustainable Innovations in Engineering and Management (ICSIEM – 2024)